Sweets for Tilly is a family run business by Jacqueline and her two daughters, Nancy and Rachel. Starting a baking business has been a life long dream for the three ladies, and as a family with the gift of baking and flare for and creativity, Sweets for Tilly was born.
The name of the business was inspired in honor of their late Grandma, Mathilde, which is the French version of the name Matilda, which can also be known as Tilly.
Many may know that the art of baking macarons can be very tricky to say the least. The three ladies began their obsession for perfecting the art of macarons several years ago. Their signature flavours include, salted caramel, berry burst (chocolate with a berry surprise, and a very special Mauritian vanilla tea flavour. The “Mauritian vanilla tea flavour pays homage to their island heritage, with Jacqueline moving here with her husband many years ago to start a family and settle in Australia. More than 40 years later, both Nancy and Rachel have families of their own finally and decided to take the leap and begin a baking business to turn their dream into an reality.
Sweets for Tilly bake macarons, biscuits, sweets and special occasion cakes all hand made and baked with love. The delights we bake cover everything from weddings, birthdays and baby showers.
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Hi I am a fete some macaroons for a candy buffet for my mums 60th. Do you do macaroons in flavours like salty caramel or vanilla in colours to match a candy Buffett. I’m after them in lilac and Aqua if possible. Look forward to hearing from you. The party is on the 14thMay.
Hi there Kylie.
Thanks for your enquiry, we would love to assist you.
Could you please advise your email address and we can chat further?
Kind regards,